

Our Ideas and Articles in Geospatial Approach to Achieve the SDG’s Goals


Bromo Mountain Fire

A few months ago, in early September, public excitement was triggered by news about fires in the Mount Bromo area. This was caused by the burning of the Bromo savanna block due to the flares of visitors who were doing pre-wedding photos and hit the savanna block. This phenomenon attracted public sympathy by condemning these actions, but on the other hand, the public only focused on this phenomenon.

Remote Sensing for Ecological Balance Monitoring

In climate change, remote sensing has made a significant contribution through various scientific shreds of evidence. In the future, the effectiveness and efficiency of remote sensing will play a crucial role in managing the balance between the use of natural resources and environmental sustainability.

The Threat of Forest Fires and the Role of Government in its Prevention and Management

The existence of forests as one of the essential components in the ecosystem is increasingly threatened. Based on the FAO report, it is estimated that since 1990 there have been around 420 million hectares of forest lost due to land conversion. In addition, between 2015 and 2020, the global deforestation rate is estimated at 10 million hectares per year. 

Plastic Pollution and Its Increment Presence among Us

Along with the significant changes in consumption pattern and human activity, the residual term from the dynamic changes keeps increasing. One of the residual terms–plastic waste, stays in the open environment in the long term due to its properties: lightweight, water resistant, and hard to degrade. Due to its properties, plastic waste piled up in the environment and clogged the cycle. 

Potential of Solar Power Plant Development in Indonesia and Its Future Prospects

One of the problems related to energy consumption is the pattern still dominated by fossil energy. Meanwhile, coal is one of the most significant contributors to carbon emissions in Indonesia. One renewable energy source that is developing quite rapidly in the world but is still not optimal in Indonesia is solar energy. Indonesia’s location as a tropical country that gets sunlight throughout the year and the natural wealth of silica sand is a gift that must be optimized. 


Closing the Gap of Forestry Sector Corruption: Geospatial Aspect Optimization

The latest data from Global Forest Watch shows that in the last 2 decades there has been more than 9.48 million hectares of deforestation that occurred in Indonesia. This condition is exacerbated by the existence of “games” in Indonesia’s forest management. The Corruption Eradication Commission estimates that from 2003-2014 there were more than 630 million cubic meters of log that was cut down without being reported to the government.


Fixing Energy Crisis Large Hydropower Dilemma

Because of the energy crisis, the utilization of renewable energy has become increasing. Compared to other forms of renewable energy, hydroelectricity is one of the most widely used renewable energy sources in the world commercially. Although hydropower is renewable energy, it’s not green. Especially large-scale hydropower with the use of dams. 

Wind Energy Potential, Consequences, and Anticipation

Among all renewable energies that are currently available to use, wind energy is one of the fastest-growing due to its cost-effectiveness in short and long-term viewpoints. It is also one of the most eco-friendly but arguably the most underused as well. While some countries have been completely scattered with turbines in every suitable spot, why do we not have yet to see the same here in Indonesia?


Rooftop Solar PV Development Policy in Urban Area

The increased production of clean and environmentally friendly energy has become one of the world’s main agendas to fight climate change. The Indonesian government has set a target of solar PV adoption to 6.5 GW in 2025. With a joint commitment between the government and the community, it will be possible to increase the development of Solar PV in urban areas in Indonesia.



Increased Water Use in Various Sectors Triggers a Water Crisis

Over the past century, water use across the region has increased almost eightfold, influenced by a combination of population growth, different consumption patterns, and rapid economic development. These factors are likely to continue, so water use will also continue to increase.

Efforts to Protect Endemic Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragons are endemic animals from Indonesia, which can only be found in the Komodo National Park. The population of Komodo dragons did not decrease significantly in 2015-2017 but changes in population abundance fluctuated but decreased in 2016.

Identification of Indonesian Rice Availability and Demand and Implications for Food Security

Food security is identical to the need and availability of food which is highly dependent on the population and the area of agriculture. If the food availability is greater than the need, it can be said to be a surplus. Otherwise, it is said to be a deficit. In Indonesia, rice is the main food ingredient for almost the entire population.


Carbon Trading and its Implication to Forestry Issues in Indonesia

Green House Gasses (GHG) are a significant problem that humans must face. According to the IEA, GHG emissions have increased in the last 3 decades. The latest data in 2020 showed that yearly emissions reach 31.5 Gt CO2. UN IPCC reported the energy sector as the biggest contributor to GHG emission of 26%.

Monitoring of Various Air Pollutants in Indonesia in 2019

One of the environmental problems that pose a threat to humans today is air pollution. Air pollution is a substance in the air that can harm humans, animals, plants, or materials. According to WHO (2016), ambient air pollution kills three million people every year. 

Sustainable Approach for Clean Water Accessibility for Humanity

The fulfilment of clean water is gradually increasing along with population growth, economic development, and changing consumption habits of the people. The demand on global water has increased 600% in the last century, and it is estimated that the demand on global water will rise significantly.


Spatial User Interface Development Strategy to Support Society 4.0

The spatial user interface will help realize Society 4.0. However, without the right strategy in its development, the development of the spatial user interface will be less than optimal. The key to the success of a framework or language used in developing applications is the clarity of documentation and the strength of the user community.