3D Effect Card with Shadow
Dr. Eng. Anjar Dimara Sakti

Jasmine Nur Mahdani, S.T.

Head of Project Management


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Jasmine Nur Mahdani, a highly motivated GIS and Remote Sensing enthusiast hold a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology. Her expertise lies in the intricate realm of Urban Analytics, where she delves into topics such as Water and Sanitation Access, Slum and Irregular Settlement Identification, Disaster Risk Assessment, and Urban Heat Island Phenomena. Jasmine's passion for leveraging geospatial technologies to analyse and solve real-world problems is evident in her commitment to making cities more resilient and sustainable. With a keen interest in the intersection of technology and urban development, she is poised to contribute significantly to the evolving landscape of GIS and Remote Sensing applications in urban planning and environmental management.


1. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) - (2018-2022)
Department of Geodesy and Geomatics, Center for Remote Sensing, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (Indonesia). Bachelor Thesis: "Spatial Modelling of Sanitation Access Availability and Priority Areas for Wastewater Sanitation Infrastructure Development in Bandung City”..

Consultancy & Research Appointment

Year Position Project Client
2021 Research Assistant Earthquake risk analysis by considering earthquake hazards, vulnerability, and capacity Regional Development Planning and Research Agency (Bappelitbang) of Bandung City.


  1. Sakti, A. D., Mahdani, J. M., Santoso, C., Ihsan, K. T. N., Nastiti, A., Shabrina, Z., Safira, M., Rohmat, F., Yulianto, F., Virtriana, R. "Optimising City-level Centralized Wastewater Management System through Machine Learning and Spatial Network Analysis: A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia". Environmental Technology and Innovation. 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2023.103360