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Multi-Air Pollution Risk Assessment in Southeast Asia Region Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Socio-Economic Data Products

The risk index was developed by integrating hazard, vulnerability, and exposure analyses. Hazard analysis considers air pollution data from remote sensing, vulnerability analysis considers the air pollution sources, and exposure analysis considers the population density. The novelty of this study lies in its development of a multi-risk model that considers the weights obtained from the relationship between the hazard and vulnerability parameters.

Wind and Solar Renewable Energy Potential in Indonesia

One of the many factors that causes climate crisis is greenhouse gases from fossil fuels. Nowadays, many countries try to substitute fossil fuels with renewable energy that could be a solution to energy demand without producing greenhouse gases. Although renewable energy still has a lot of limitations, there is a solution that called “multi-energy”. It is a combination of two or more renewable energy. Indonesia has a lot of renewable multi-energy potential but it’s only 13.55% that already utilized. There is 5 cities that have highest potential which are Merauke, Tuban, Karawang, Brebes, and Kupang. While Tuban has the highest potential.

Water Quality Model for Mangrove Zone in Indonesia

As a significant contributor of plastic waste to the marine environment, Indonesia is striving to construct a national strategy for reducing plastic debris. The results indicate that 0.6% of Indonesia, including metropolitan cities, account for the highest generation of plastic waste. Indicating of plastic releases to the ocean applied by of developing three different scenarios with the highest estimation 11.94 tonnes on a daily basis in an urban area, intended as the baseline study for setting priority zone for plastic waste management.

Spatial Distribution of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) as a New Instrument in Minimizing Coronavirus Fatality Rate

Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) has the potential to be a factor in the transmission of COVID-19 because bioaerosol plays an important role in the spread of the virus through the air. The results of this study showed that the addition of four variables in the analysis of AOD levels, simultaneously affected the COVID-19 fatality rate as proven through the F test at a confidence interval of 99%. AOD and NL variables also exerted a (partial) effect on CFR variables through T tests at a confidence interval of 87.6% for AOD and 95.2% for NL. The relationship of RH and CFR variable had a significant correlation in α = 0.05 through pearson bivariate analysis. Thus, the interpretation of the spatial distribution of Aerosol Optical Depth levels can be done one of them through these EE (Earth Engine) Apps.

Wind and Solar Renewable Energy Potential in Indonesia

One of the many factors that causes climate crisis is greenhouse gases from fossil fuels. Nowadays, many countries try to substitute fossil fuels with renewable energy that could be a solution to energy demand without producing greenhouse gases. Although renewable energy still has a lot of limitations, there is a solution that called “multi-energy”. It is a combination of two or more renewable energy. Indonesia has a lot of renewable multi-energy potential but it’s only 13.55% that already utilized. There is 5 cities that have highest potential which are Merauke, Tuban, Karawang, Brebes, and Kupang. While Tuban has the highest potential.

Water Quality Model for Mangrove Zone in Indonesia

As a significant contributor of plastic waste to the marine environment, Indonesia is striving to construct a national strategy for reducing plastic debris. The results indicate that 0.6% of Indonesia, including metropolitan cities, account for the highest generation of plastic waste. Indicating of plastic releases to the ocean applied by of developing three different scenarios with the highest estimation 11.94 tonnes on a daily basis in an urban area, intended as the baseline study for setting priority zone for plastic waste management.